Input each URL on a new line, then click Open Links button to open each page in separate browser tabs. The tool accepts various link formats. Check the Demo for details. You can skip the "http://" or "https://" part; for example, type "" instead of "".
There are some quick buttons suh as Open Links, Clear and Save which are listed the textarea below you may want to use:
Open Links: It will open all links which are inputted in textarea.
Clear: It will clear all the current URLs and paste the clipboard content in textarea.
Save: It will save these links you inputed as a URL, you can visit the URL in future by storing it to bookmark.
The website address you saved will be retained for 30 days after your last visit. To keep your web address active, you must visit the website address at least once within 30 days. Alternatively, you can Purchase it to keep your address permanently.
In order to use this utillty, please ensure that your web browser is set to allow pop-up windows. For Google Chrome, please access chrome://settings/content/popups and select Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects. Could you please refer to the image below ?